Four years ago today, Todd and I wandered into a Nashville courthouse to apply for a marriage license. Today we turned in an application for a homestudy in order to be found eligible for adoption. We had no idea what our first four years would hold, and we certainly would not have guessed it...or dared ask for it.
We decided to start this blog as an answer to questions, prayers, updates, chaos, more prayers, ulcers, headaches, more prayers, and all other things that go along with long drawn out processes like adoption. We know some of you may want lots of details, while others of you may just want the highlights, so we've created this as a place to serve all the needs.
Laura is so excited she has already begun to share with complete strangers (rapper 50 Cent and comedian Chelsea Handler were "lucky" recipients of the "these are my Haitian children" speech backstage after a recent show in Nashville). Their faces are just so darn cute, she couldn't help it. However, we realize there are still many hoops to jump through and many papers to sign, notarize, and seal with hugs and kisses.
A couple things that have happened recently that have proved God's incredible direction and provision...
1. A woman whom Laura had just met at an adoption conference asked if she could pray over our family and the boys. She said she was leaving when God prompted her to come back in and pray for us. After many tears and perfectly voiced requests (as if she knew us and exactly what we are asking on our journey), we made a new friend and further experienced God's calling and the people He has strategically placed in our path. PS...she is adopting a sweet little girl from China.
2. After we shared our story in our lifegroup at church, an amazing couple, without reservation, wrote a check for our homestudy deposit. What? Yes! God uses His people to do His will and carry out His plan. We almost would not take it out of guilt and pride, but we recognize God requires us to ACCEPT the gifts He puts right in front of us on this path.
There are many, many, many, many things that led us to this point. If you visit, you can learn more about our recent trips to Haiti and how God has directed our steps to this part of the journey. It's been a crazy beautiful trip. We know we have so much ahead of us. No matter what happens, we know God can and will complete His work in us. We remain faithful, even though we are still admittedly not sure what that even requires of us.
We decided to name this blog, "I Believe In You" (the "www" at the end are their initials"). It was our first dance at our wedding almost 4 years ago on 10-7-06. Don Williams is one of our favorites, and the song is legendary. Todd and I began our marriage knowing our belief and commitment to love would bring crazy adventures. We end this post quoting Todd when something is absolutely beyond belief, "you don't even know." So, here we on one of many crazy adventures love finds us on. "I believe in love, and I believe in you."